Systems Administrator
Akula’s agile DNA allows it to fit seamlessly into existing IT infrastructures, either on-premise or in the cloud. Akula’s server feels right at home in a virtual environment, and capacity can of course be scaled up or down as needed. It’s architecture makes separating server code and configuration data, deployment and management (back-up, disaster recovery) easy. The Akula server has been built to scale. It handles mobile transactions efficiently and can be setup to use load-balanced and high-availability configurations: allowing for larger-scale production environments with multiple instances of the Akula server. In addition, Akula offers extensive and extensible logging to allow for auditing and operational monitoring.
It allows for elaborate corporate policies, either extending policies already in place –such as security policies, password enforcement, et cetera–, but also lets you incorporate mobility specific features like geodata to fine-tune access rights if for instance you wish to limit data sync to users in a specific region. Furthermore, Akula provides robust management API’s for third-party tool access to the various properties, roles and permissions defined for each app. And although you will most likely connect Akula to an existing Active directory of LDAP using identities and group memberships that have already been designed by corporate security officers, you could also have Akula linked to a standalone user/password database. It’s completely up to you.
Akula makes your life a lot easier.